I have an article on digital design and printing using an online printer in the December/January issue of Quilting Arts. Please check it out. Available online at QuiltingArts.com or on the newstands.
I am excited to see the cloth and the words in print! This is my 3rd article with Quilting Arts. They also published my DVD - Three Dimensional Fiber Art: Shape and Texture, Light and
Shadow, which has been doing well.
Having spent so much of my previous career in publishing from the publisher end, it is fun to be an author.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Art Quilts at International Quilt Festival in Houston
Here are some photos from the SAQA Seasonal Palette exhibit that was at Houston a week ago. The show will be traveling to Cincinnati, Long Beach a a few other venues over the next 18 months, I hope to go see it in Cincinnati next April. My piece is the water reflection piece at the far right in the first photo. 38 artists were asked to make pieces for the show - each of us were given a particular season and color collection to work from. As well, we each created a notebook documenting our process and work along the way. There is a catalog ($20) available from the SAQA.com site. Photo credits: Gregory Case.
Another exhibit at Houston was A Sense of Scale. Very large pieces were interspersed with groupings of small pieces. This exhibit will also be traveling to other venues and also has a catalog available from SAQA.com. My piece in this exhibit was Mingled Waters - the very large piece shown in photo below.
art quilts,
catalog quilots,
Monday, October 22, 2012
What's Happening!
It has been a busy couple of months! Every time I think I am going to sit down and write something, stuff happens. I am busy and happy working in my studio and have participated in several exhibits there. Last month I was asked to be part of a new interior design gallery called TishStudio.com that carries one of a kind interior home furniture and art. Also, I have artwork that is off to several major exhibits:
Reflections, var. 19 is part of The Seasonal Palette exhibit at the International Quilt Festival in Houston and then will travel to several other shows.
Mingled Waters is off to Houston also for the exhibit A Sense of Scale.
Barry's Robe is going to be part of an exhibit in Lowell, MA called Encounter With Cancer which I wish I was able to go and see.
I have an article coming out about digitally printing fabrics in the Dec/January issue of Quilting Arts.
Leaf Kicking Boots will be part of the Women's Journeys in Fiber exhibit at the Fine Art of Fiber at the Chicago Botanic Garden from November 1-4.
4th Friday at The Starline Gallery is coming up on October 26 and I have 3 pieces in the juried exhibit there and the studio will be open.
And last, but definitely not least, my piece, Forest Floor, var. 2 has been selected for Quilt National 2013 and is already on its way to Athens, Ohio for the catalog photo shoot.
Now I can see why I have been so busy - it has been good to get so much work out the door to various places and events.
I hope some of you can visit one of these exhibits. If you need more information, please email me at: BJSCO@comcast.net.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
KathyAnneArt Featured Artist Profile
Kathy Anne White featured me on her blog yesterday. Here is the link to her blog. Thank you Kathy Anne!
I can get the article uploaded but not the photos. SO please geo visit the link to see the whole article.
One of the things I loved was the time we had (the workshop was 5 days) as I was able to spend a nice bit of time with everyone in the workshop while their images printed which included time with Barbara, her surfaces and images. When you start to experiment with alternative surfaces a great place to start is trying the same image on the various substrates. When you switch images you don't really get an overall view of what can happen in printing the variables. Above you can see Barbara's image on many substrates. Of course it is always hard to see in pictures, but the textures and impact of the image can still be seen. Barbara made some notes about precoats and surfaces as she worked.
(If you click on the images you will be able to see more detail in the print)
With her fiber art, Barbara has developed 2 processes that she uses to create her leaf pieces. These processes and some background on how the concept developed and fits into her overall aesthetic is the content of her new DVD "Three-Dimnesional Fiber Art: Shape & Texture, Light & Shadow"just released. You can view a snip of her dvd on the same page here.
It was wonderful to meet and work with Barbara Schneider. Her work is interesting, her attention to detail is inspiring and it's exciting to see her DVD first hand!
I can get the article uploaded but not the photos. SO please geo visit the link to see the whole article.
Fiber Artist Barbara Schneider
"My ongoing interest in the Japanese concept of Wabi-Sabi,
finding beauty in things that are imperfect, impermanent and incomplete is at
the core of all my artwork. I try to capture the essence of images made of
light and movement, images that are in infinitely variable. What does the eye
see? What does the camera see" What does the mind see"
My Leaves series is an exploration and interpretation of natural
images by enlarging and reshaping them. I collect leaves, pods, flowers,
grasses and look closely at their structure and shape. In particular, I like to
collect these natural objects at the end of summer when they have begun to
wither and fragment. Enlarging them in my work process allows me to see them as
sculptural objects. I look at the play of light upon surfaces and shaping the
pieces introduces a new element-light and shadow interacting with the
undulating surfaces."
In the first week of July this year Barbara Schneider
spent a week in my workshop in Greenville New York at Hudson River Valley Art/Fiber Workshops. It was
an incredible group of woman who gathered to learn and experiment with digital
printing alternative surfaces. The artist's present were like sponges with the
plethora of material thrown at them and the results were many awesome
alternative prints. Barbara was no exception as we printed one of her leaf
images on several substrates.
One of the things I loved was the time we had (the workshop was 5 days) as I was able to spend a nice bit of time with everyone in the workshop while their images printed which included time with Barbara, her surfaces and images. When you start to experiment with alternative surfaces a great place to start is trying the same image on the various substrates. When you switch images you don't really get an overall view of what can happen in printing the variables. Above you can see Barbara's image on many substrates. Of course it is always hard to see in pictures, but the textures and impact of the image can still be seen. Barbara made some notes about precoats and surfaces as she worked.
(If you click on the images you will be able to see more detail in the print)
With her fiber art, Barbara has developed 2 processes that she uses to create her leaf pieces. These processes and some background on how the concept developed and fits into her overall aesthetic is the content of her new DVD "Three-Dimnesional Fiber Art: Shape & Texture, Light & Shadow"just released. You can view a snip of her dvd on the same page here.
The video workshop is available for
HD and for Standard Video.
You can visit Barbara's website
to see more of her work. It's worth a visit to see her different series and the
scope of her work.
It was wonderful to meet and work with Barbara Schneider. Her work is interesting, her attention to detail is inspiring and it's exciting to see her DVD first hand!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Quilting Daily article
The following article was psoted on Quilting Daily on Monday. It enhances the information that is on my new CD about creating three dimensional artwork.
Add Depth to Fabric Art with Double Thread Stitching
Being on set when we taped the most recent Quilting
Arts WorkshopTM videos was a real education. Not only did I
learn how the videos are taped, but I also picked up lots of tips for quilting
and fabric
One of
my favorite ideas for enhancing depth and texture comes from Barbara Schneider,
who makes gallery-worthy fiber art leaf sculptures. She often uses two threads
in her needle at once.
"Using a double thread gives you more definition and 'oomph' in the line. It makes a nice contrast to a single thread used for more stitching in the background," says Barbara.
"Mixing threads breaks up the regularity of the pattern. Most variegated threads have a repetition to the timing that becomes obvious. When I use a solid and a variegated together it breaks up that pattern and gives you a more natural look."
I asked Barbara to elaborate on her tips for using two threads at once, and she happily agreed.
On her Quilting Arts WorkshopTM, "Three-Dimensional Fiber Art: Shape & Texture, Light & Shadow," Barbara offers many tips and techniques for enhancing your fabric art's depth and texture. You can now download "Three-Dimensional Fiber Art" and start using her techniques right away.

P.S. Have you double-threaded your machine needle? Is so, how did that work out? Any advice for the rest of us? Leave your comment below.

![]() |
Dimensional fiber art by Barbara
Schneider, Oak Leaf series. |
"Using a double thread gives you more definition and 'oomph' in the line. It makes a nice contrast to a single thread used for more stitching in the background," says Barbara.
"Mixing threads breaks up the regularity of the pattern. Most variegated threads have a repetition to the timing that becomes obvious. When I use a solid and a variegated together it breaks up that pattern and gives you a more natural look."
I asked Barbara to elaborate on her tips for using two threads at once, and she happily agreed.
- I use related colors in solids, solid and variegated together, similar but different colors together, similar but different variegated together. It all depends on what look I am trying to get. Sometimes I put the solids as a first layer of stitching and then go back over the same area (not the same lines of stitching) with the variegated (look at the large leaves to see samples of this). The whole purpose is to achieve texture and a more natural look to the stitching.
I mostly use the rayon threads as they seem to go through the machine the best. Usually, I try to keep the threads the same weight and type, otherwise one or the other might break more often.
I have two thread holders on my machine, so I thread them both and then pull both threads through the tensioning process together and thread them together. I have an automatic threader on my Janome 6500. If you don't have that, then use a small hand threader (like they sell for threading a sewing needle) and use that to put the thread through.
I use a large topstitching needle (I like the one from Superior threads the best). It has more room, and the thread seems not to break as often as with other needles.
I do not play with tension at all. Just leave well enough alone.
On her Quilting Arts WorkshopTM, "Three-Dimensional Fiber Art: Shape & Texture, Light & Shadow," Barbara offers many tips and techniques for enhancing your fabric art's depth and texture. You can now download "Three-Dimensional Fiber Art" and start using her techniques right away.

P.S. Have you double-threaded your machine needle? Is so, how did that work out? Any advice for the rest of us? Leave your comment below.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Successful Grand Opening
Last Friday I held a Grand Opening of my new studio in conjunction with the 4th Friday event at The Starline Gallery. It was a blast. Lots of friends, family and curious gallery goers people came by to visit. In addtion to getting to see lots of people and talk about my work, I won two awards in the 4th Friday exhibition. One Honorable Mention for Reflections, var. 3 and the PEOPLES CHOICE AWARD for Reflections, var. 1. So that was a great affirmation in this new environment.
Also, an article about me and my studio came out this Friday in The Harvard Mainline newspaper. It is nice to see this move getting recognized and supported in the local community.
Here are a few pictures taken at the Opening!
Here are a few pictures taken at the Opening!
Also, an article about me and my studio came out this Friday in The Harvard Mainline newspaper. It is nice to see this move getting recognized and supported in the local community.
Here are a few pictures taken at the Opening!
Here are a few pictures taken at the Opening!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Three Dimensional Fiber Arts DVD released
Yeterday my new DVD, Three Dimensional Fiber Art: Shape and Texture, Light and Shadow was released. It is very exciitng to be an "author", especially after all the years I spent in educational publishing!
Here are links to the various versions of the DVD.
*Digital download available now! It’s available in both HD ($16.95) and standard ($14.95):
HD download link: http://www.interweavestore.com/Quilting/DVDs-Videos/Three-Dimensional-Fiber-Art-Download-in-HD.html
Standard video download link: http://www.interweavestore.com/Quilting/DVDs-Videos/Three-Dimensional-Fiber-Art-Download.html
*DVD available: 8/21/12 - $19.95. It’s available now as a pre-order:
Interweave has been a great company ot work with on this. The experience was enjoyable and I learned a lot in the process.
Here are links to the various versions of the DVD.
*Digital download available now! It’s available in both HD ($16.95) and standard ($14.95):
HD download link: http://www.interweavestore.com/Quilting/DVDs-Videos/Three-Dimensional-Fiber-Art-Download-in-HD.html
Standard video download link: http://www.interweavestore.com/Quilting/DVDs-Videos/Three-Dimensional-Fiber-Art-Download.html
*DVD available: 8/21/12 - $19.95. It’s available now as a pre-order:
Interweave has been a great company ot work with on this. The experience was enjoyable and I learned a lot in the process.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Art Quilt Elements exhibit
I spent the past weekend in Philadelphia for the opening of Art Quilt Elements, attend the SAQA conference and see Fiber Philadelphia 2012. It was a great weekenbd filled with creative energy and lots of new ideas and new friends. This is a photo of me at the AQE opening. This piece, Leaf Fragments, got LOTS of attention.
I also had a piece in Lines and Number, the Art Cloth Network group show. We had 2 different exhibits on display in a wonderful old building - The Old School House at the Crane. Here are a few shots of the space and the exhibit.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Quilting Arts: In Stitches, volume 6
Store link:
For this post, I am giving away the nifty Sew Grip Ergonomic Quilting Gloves by FA Edmunds. To win, comment at the end of the blog letting me know what kind of article you would like to see in a future In Stitches eMag.
Want to learn more about the eMag before you purchase it? Join us on the In Stitches VI blog tour all this week (there will be a prize given away at every stop)! Here is the lineup of blogs for the whole week. Even if you get this on Wednesday you can go visit the earlier blogs and see what they have to say! Tomorrow visit Nancy Cook's blog. Her article is about Dense Echo Quilting.
Wed 2/29 - Barbara Schneider http://www.Barbaraschneider-artist.blogspot.com
Thu 3/1 - Nancy Cook http://www.nancygcook.blogspot.com
Fri 3/2 - Tracy Stilwell http://www.tracystilwell.blogspot.comMon 3/5 - Sandy Donabed http://www.sandeedee.blogspot.com
Tue 3/6 - Jane Davila http://www.janedavila.blogspot.com
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Anderson Arts Center opening
These are some shots from the opening at the Anderson Arts Center in Kenosha, WI of my exhibit Water Colors. I had one room, with windwos overlooking Lake Michigan. The water reflection quilts and art cloth looked really good in the space with all the light and the water out beyond. The exhibit is open until March 25 if anyone wants to go to Kenosha!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Quilts in Color Opening
Hi everyone,
I am part of an exhibit at the Anderson Arts Center called Quilts in Color. I will have one room with about ten of my "Water Colors" - part of my series of water reflection quilts. The reception is from 1-4 pm on Sunday, January 29. I also have a piece called 100 Long Lives in the Women's Journeys In Fiber, Aprons exhibit that will be there at the same time.
There are 5 artists exhibitng in the Quilts in Color exhibit and there are about 30 artists represented in the Aprons exhibit so there is lots to see and make the trip worthwhile!
I am part of an exhibit at the Anderson Arts Center called Quilts in Color. I will have one room with about ten of my "Water Colors" - part of my series of water reflection quilts. The reception is from 1-4 pm on Sunday, January 29. I also have a piece called 100 Long Lives in the Women's Journeys In Fiber, Aprons exhibit that will be there at the same time.
There are 5 artists exhibitng in the Quilts in Color exhibit and there are about 30 artists represented in the Aprons exhibit so there is lots to see and make the trip worthwhile!
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